
I’m back, and I had a fantastic time. Click read more to see the rest of my photos and read what happened. Just a warning, it’s fairly lengthy.

Read more for photos

I set off tomorrow morning, I’m so excited! I have three cameras packed, which is not excessive at all.. I have my DSLR of course, but my 18-55mm autofocus is not working, so I have my Canon S90 for quick shots, and my Lomo Fisheye for more creative shots. I’ve also got a massive shopping list and far too many sights and museums to cram into my five days, as well as a whole day of theatre! Expect a nice big report and plenty of photos when I get back on Sunday.


On Tuesday I went back to the O2 Arena (lots of gigs there recently!) to see Gorillaz. I was pretty excited for this gig as I’ve wanted to see them for a long time and not got the chance to before. I arrived late so I would miss the support acts, not a fan of De La Soul and I’ve seen Little Dragon before. I managed to get a position fairly near the front so I had a nice view.

Gorillaz were really good, loads of guest singers and a big orchestra and brass band, but the crowd were rubbish. I was near the front, but people around me only knew the really big singles. The album went to number one so I had assumed that people would know the more popular songs off it, but apparently not. Compared to when I’ve seen Muse, or NIN or Placebo there when most people have known a good majority of the songs, it just felt a bit meh. I enjoyed myself anyway, but it is quite hard to have a good time, sing along and dance when no-one around you is moving. I think I’ll have to try and see them in a smaller venue next time, full of more knowledgeable fans.

On Saturday I went to the Olympia with some friends for the Erotica exhibition. Unfortunately we arrived too late to see Dita Von Teese, but we had a fun time just walking around and looking at all the stalls and lovely corsets, and we got to see the main show at 8pm which was very interesting!

This week I haven’t done much else really. I’ve been saving my pennies for New York and spending the rest of my time Simming!


Nun and dead Cheerleader

Wheres Wally and V for Vendetta

Finger Food

Batgirl meets Batman


Me, my crossdressing cousin, Hulk Hogan

Supergirl has a nice cuppa

This week I have mostly been playing the new Sims 3 expansion, as my brother has received the new Call of Duty and has taken over our internet connection. Woe is me! I have created a vampire rockstar celebrity who has a penchant for tight leather trousers. I think he may be channelling Lestat.

On Wednesday I had the day off work to go to the O2 Arena with my dad and brother to see Linkin Park. I was a bit apprehensive, as I don’t know much of their new material, but it turned out ok in the end. Does It Offend You, Yeah? were supporting which was awesome, and their newer songs sound better every time I hear them. Can’t wait for a new release!

Linkin Park came on at about 8:30, which felt stupidly early for a gig! The first part was mostly new tracks, interspersed with a few choice hits to keep the crowd going. Then they got onto the better (in my opinion), older stuff and all was right. I felt like a 14 year old again screaming along to Crawling and One Step Closer! All in all it was an enjoyable experience, but probably not one I would pay for again as I really didn’t connect with the newer music. Plus we were on level 4 in the nosebleed seats, and I had to sit down every other song to stop myself feeling too dizzy.

On Thursday night myself and a friend made our way to the Horse Hospital in Holborn for an exclusive PureHMV screening of the new Mighty Boosh documentary, The Journey of the Childmen. As we took our seats in the tiny room, we were delighted to find free boxes of popcorn and chocolate bars on our seats. Imagine our joy when we found out the bar was free too! Needless to say much alcohol was drunk, and by the time Oly Ralphe, Noel Fielding and Rich Fulcher appeared to introduce the film, we were quite merry! Although not as drunk as a loud woman at the back who kept calling out nonsensical things. The documentary was very enjoyable and was a nice look at the hectic touring schedule they experienced, with some pretty animation and odd bits thrown in. Well worth a Christmas buy. It was also rather surreal to watch it with Noel Fielding sat right behind me giggling at everything on screen as well.

On Friday we continued the drinking theme with a night out in Colchester, and discovered an amazing bar that served shots from a teapot! Once you go teapot, you never go back.