
V Festival 2010

Posted in gigs

V festival was quite nice this year, in the way that it’s nice to go to a scummy bar packed full of chavs and still leave with all your belongings and limbs. I only went this year because my mum had two weekend tickets, and my stepdad couldn’t get the time off work so it was a freebie. Most of the bands I had seen before, but some personal highlights were Passion Pit (even though no-one around me knew the songs), being on the barrier for Paul Weller with my mum, Groove Armada, Calvin Harris and Kasabian.

The weather was quite nice which was a bonus, and a friend joined us for the second day, but the whole festival reeks of commercialism and trying to make money out of everything. Plus the people are the kind that have never been to a festival before, and whose favourite bands are Oasis and Kings of Leon. It drives me up the wall! I’m definitely not going next year, not unless I get another free ticket! I’ll go to Glastonbury instead.

Photo by Nick Pickles

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